Aviation Accident Attorneys In Louisiana

Serving Helicopter & Airplane Accident Victims

When corporations or other negligent actors cause individuals to be exposed to harmful substances, such as mold, asbestos or talc, for example, it can cause lasting damage. Whether it be intentional or due to mistake or negligence, exposure to toxic chemicals and substances can lead to illness, bodily damage, permanent side effects and, in some cases, even death.

If you or someone you love has been injured due to exposure to a toxic chemical or substance, please reach out to the toxic tort lawyers at MMRBH. We have years of experience handling these kinds of cases, and we know how to navigate the muddy legal waters that surround toxic tort law. 

photo of a passenger plane mid-air taken from below, with a clouded sky as the background. This photo is meant to represent MMRBH Law Office's aviation accidents legal services.